Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Joseph Priestley Soda Finder

Joseph Priestley was born in an area near Leeds, England on March 13, 1733, Priestley actually never studied science formally. However, Priestley is a person who is always persistent in learning something. A tolerant and liberal attitude became one of the capital of his success. Capital that includes thinking, curious and never satisfied with a work. This is evident from the years of his life that never deserted from the achievements, including some of the writings produced from a branch of science that is different.

At the age of 28 years, Priestley who was interested in the language, producing writings called The Rudiments of Home Grammar (Basics of English Grammar). The article is an explanation of Priestley on English grammar, such as those studied today.
Interested Starting Science

His interest in science came from his acquaintance with Benjamin Franklin a year after Priestley was awarded a doctorate in Law for his article entitled Chart of Biography in 1765. Benjamin Franklin, who was indeed a scientist who studied electricity, has awakened Priestley's interest in science.

Priestley's dynamic personality proved again. A year friendship with Franklin was walking and it was a friendship that is not in vain because Priestley re-generate the paper. This time he published The History of Electricity. In addition to producing the paper, Priestley also discovered that carbon is a good conductor of electricity.

Finding Soda
On June 23, 1762, Priestley married Mary Wilkinson of Wrexham. Only 5 years old married couple that lives in Wrexham. In September 1767 they had to return to Leeds because of the financial condition and the condition of his wife's health. In Leeds, Priestley fecundity in writing continues to flow. He published two books of political, Essay on the First Principles of Government in 1768 and The Present State of Liberty in Great Britain and her Colonies in 1769. In the same year, Dr. Priestley also wrote a book. Blackstone's Commentaries, a book containing his defense of the constitutional rights of defectors against William Blackstone, the ruler at that time.

Do you know who invented the drink soda? Not many people know that the inventor Joseph Priestleylah soda. Starting from the brewery is located opposite the house, Priestley was intrigued by the air at the surface that feels other fermented grain. He also studied the properties of air that can extinguish the remaining fire burning pieces of wood. Priestley called the gas with the name 'gas definite' (fixed gas). Encouraged great curiosity, Priestley produce their own 'gas must be' in his house, and then dissolving it in water to obtain water that tastes sharp. That's the carbonated water, which is now very popular as fizzy drinks! He enthusiastically offered water as a result of these experiments fresh drinks to his friends.

Finding Smile Gas
Priestley's discovery of laughing gas is another. Arguably, laughing gas is one of Priestley's discovery was found by accident. His interest in science increasingly became encouraged to design a device that contains mercury. The tool is heated with the help of sunlight that is passed on magnifying glass to produce a focused beam of high energy capable of generating heat. Heating produces a variety of gases, including gaseous dinitrogen monoxide or laughing gas. It did not take long until the people recognize these inventions, since this gas would cause anyone inhaling laughing uproariously.

Expelled Because of the French Revolution
Priestley seems destined to become king of the inventor of the gas. As if not satisfied with the fizzy gas discovery and laughing gas, he discovered oxygen in 1774. He does not realize that this discovery has actually been discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele before the year 1773. Priestley's discovery of this, later published in 1775 in his book Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. The Scheele published his book Chemical Treatise on Air and Fire in 1777. Both of them do not realize that oxygen is a chemical element. Priestley named the gas discovery as 'de-phlogisticated water' in accordance with the instructions that the phlogiston theory was unbelievable. In these experiments, Priestley was able to identify eight of gas at the same time deny the opinion at that time stating that there is only one kind of air.

In 1780 he was appointed to Birmingham and became a junior minister. Priestley's name more famous after becoming a member of the Lunar Society. However, his admiration for the French Revolution made him driven out of town.

To commemorate his services, the community set up a pillar Priestley, of which the monument called Moonstones and a more traditional statue in Chamberlain Square in the middle of town. The most recent monument is a monument made of marble stone which was originally prepared by A. W. Williamson in 1874. Then, in 1951 the marble coated with bronze.

Three sons migrated to the United States in 1793. Priestley followed her three sons seeking freedom of religion and politics. Although never change his nationality, he settled in Pennsylvania until his death.

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